A cloud of sadness has passed over our camp today. Farm life, even as small as ours can be tough sometimes. Hard physically and hard on the heart. Regardless if it is a fish, frog, dog, cat, rabbit, chick, or even a hermit crab the loss of life means something here. Without question the Jensen-Bese camp loves their pets. After raising a pet for a good period of time, the idea of "life is fragile" gets thrown out the window with the everyday regiment of interaction, feedings, and cleaning up after them. But when one goes... A reset of reality sets in. Sadness that its gone from your life. Removed. Never again will you feed or fulfill the needs for that little life you got so accustom too. So last night we lost "Little Goat" to a varmint attack. For what ever reason she was in the chicken coop instead of the barn with Norman and Chewy. It must have been a heck of a struggle. Inside the coop looks like a bar fight happened. Everything was over turned and moved around. Feathers every where, and leading out the door and down to the fence by the creek where I found her remains. I can tell you it was a somber walk up the the barn tonight to feed Norman and Chewy and see them come a running with Little Goat not in tow. But spring is around the corner, that will give us time to fortify the coop for some new baby Chicks when they arrive. RIP Little Goat!
