Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas is coming

With Christmas just around the corner, we are ready. The boys are so excited and it just feels so good. The sites of all the decorations, lights, and the smells of the tree up in the house, cookies and treats for the boys, and the sounds of the holiday music and TV shows has filled our camp. Christmas for us means family too. We are really looking forward to hanging out with Shan and my family, with some good old fashioned meals too. Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas everybody!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Who's Nine?

Parks is Nine. Yep, that old man had another Birthday. First on his Birthday list was a mini refrigerator. So his first present was a scavenger hunt with clues for all the boys to help him find the fridge. We had hid clues in the chicken coop, goat barn, basement and third building to finally find it in my shop. We did it at night that made it even funner. So we hooked him up good and got him some really cool accessories to stock it; Stickers, Capri Sun's, water, Cheese sticks, and family size Kit Cats. We installed it in his bedroom and it's perfect size. Parks had a fun Birthday getting lots of presents, and a huge dessert to go with his Rock N Rogers dinner. Also included in his birthday gifts, Parks and the boys got to go to Sky High in Portland. A crazy fun place that is full of trampolines on the floor and walls. Marcus and Brianne treated us with pizza dinner afterwards and a makeshift brownie birthday cake. That old timer is growing up!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The creek

We have really enjoyed the creek since we have move here, but I think it's most beautiful this time of year. With the leaves falling and rains returning, it's flowing good and so colorful. The boys have made a small dam that has created a mini pond towards the bottom. There isn't a day that go's by that we look down there and are thankful for it's beauty. It's not unusual to see the deer wonder thru there, or view the birds that makes up it's habitat. The sound... Oh yea, it creates the best sound that you can't buy in any store. Its so peaceful.