Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Shan's suprise this morning

So Shan got a real treat this morning, taking this picture of a new born fawn just a few days old. If you look at the retaining wall it's a two by twelve. So that little Bambi probably is only twenty five inches tall, brand new, and so cute.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Ok one more before and after

So I can't help to be happy with what we've done here, knowing we have alot we still have on our to do list, but excavating and rolling out our new basketball court was super fun and turned out great. Who wants to lower the rim and have a slam dunk contest?

Nick's Eleven!

Yep our little man clicked off another year with some great fun. Starting off with his favorite dinner at La Hacendia, and Nick had his favorite dinner a Macho Burrito. Check out Nick in the picture. He's pretty much polished it off and in a little pain. Haha. The weather was great, so we took the party to the boat club and oh yea... the boys were in the water in no time. Presents, cake, and party, Happy Birthday Nickers!