Monday, July 13, 2009

Koppert Lake

We rented Koppert Lake and had a great time. There was about 35 of us and we boarded, ate, drank and had a great time:) We also learned to surf!! Super fun. Thanks Eric, Quinn, Justin and love you Liz!!

Food Fight

My mom is the best Grandma is the world!! She planned and prepared for the boys to have 11 of their friends over for a food fight, pie throw, water fight and soda rockets!! Rob let everyone throw a pie at him!! Luke's sweet 3rd grade teacher came and surprised the boys! The boys had a great time and and are talking about the plans for next year!!! Are you ready Nannie???

Drive-in Movie

I had the "great" idea to take the boys to the Drive-in...I got a little mixed up on the start time - so we were there super early....and the movie got over really late!! Rob said he felt like we were there for a week:) The boys had fun - even though we ALL fell asleep!!

Father's Day

Rob was so excited to get his letter to Alliance Wake board Magazine published. He met Parks Bonifay - who is a really famous wake boarder! He wrote a cool letter to the magazine!! So for fathers day I bought him the "Parks" wake board!!

Nick's 8th Birthday!!

Nick is 8!! He had his friends come over for a sleep over:) Movie, popcorn, candy...

Koppert Lake Wake Board Lessons

We took the kiddo's up to Koppert Lake in Washington for lessons. They did great! Love the pro's at this lake.