Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Boating the Willamette

Well the first days of sun came and we had to be on the water. So we braved the Willamette. The boys had a great time on the tube and Chris even wake boarded. Nanie even came out with us. We picked up our favorite pizza "Wallerys" and had dinner on the boat. Great times!!

Robbie is 10!

Robbie wanted a movie theme sleepover birthday party. His friends Noah and Andrew came over and we had hot dogs, silly string fight, pop corn, candy and a great movie. In the morning we had waffles. Nick made Robbie a bowling theme cake, the candles were the pins and the cookie was the ball.Happy Birthday to our 10 year old.....


We had a great Easter with the boys. We had two egg hunts. We had the whole family over for lunch, egg hunt, golf watching, trampoline jumping, and sundae eating.

Garage Sale

We had a huge garage sale!! We worked for 3 weeks getting ready and garage was packed with stuff. We were SOOOO glad when it was over! We made enough money that it was worth it. The boys even had a hot dog stand. We got rid of a lot of stuff and had a lot of fun. Thanks to my mom for all of her help! Rob and Mom even made a bet as to what would sell-my mom won by selling a old screen door with a riped screen.